about crossfit rayleigh
CrossFit Rayleigh started running classes in January 2014. Like many other CrossFit boxes we started small. As the months went on we saw more and more people joining our community; that’s right! I said "community". This may seem like a cheesy way to put it, but it genuinely is! How many times do you go into a Virgin Active gym or David Lloyds and see people actually interacting with each other, having a laugh, going to local events and competing at small in house competitions?
MEet the team
I joined CrossFit Rayleigh back in 2014 when it first opened and it has been a big part of my life since then. Having played football for a number of years and been a regular gym go-er I was looking for something more structured and mentally and physically rewarding which is how I came across CrossFit.
I love coaching and this is something I have been doing for over 15 years. I enjoy the everyday challenges which coaching brings and I love seeing people excel in every aspect of life, not just in sport. I make every class challenging, exciting and fun to bring the best out of each individual.






The Crossfit Rayleigh community is unique. From the moment you step into the box, you feel friendliness in the air. Everybody talks to each other, they do the class together, suffer together and work hard on technique together. There is no ego in here but smiley faces and down to earth people who enjoy having a laugh, sharing tips and techniques; and most of the times, pushing you so hard to complete that last rep!